Gilbert Arenas tried to take the complete blame for the gun situation in t...","articleSection":"NBA News","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Andrew Melnick","url":""}}

Gilbert Arenas To Receive Jail Time?

Gilbert Arenas tried to take the complete blame for the gun situation in the Wizards’ locker room, covering for Jarvis Crittenton. Trey Kirby of Ball Don’t Lie expanded on this.

"First, it was to get them away from his family. Then he brought them to sell to a teammate. Then he only brought one gun on the day of the confrontation with Crittenton, and that three guns were already on the premises. However, the memo states that “This story simply defies logic and credulity — because it is false.”Additionally, the memo calls Arenas’ actions “calculated and premeditated.” Essentially, he meant to bring them to mess with Javaris Crittenton(notes), and that his “self-serving, ever-evolving story is not true.”Perhaps most damning is the cover-up that Arenas hatched. After telling Wizards officials about the confrontation with Crittenton, the next day Arenas backtracked, hoping to take full responsibility for the incident. First he told team management Crittenton wasn’t even present, which quickly changed to Crittenton being present but not having a gun. Finally, the above messages were sent to a teammate, who was supposed to pass the new plan to Crittenton."

The Washington Post has the full sentencing memo here.

(Andrew Melnick is Howard the Dunk’s lead blogger and a contributor at NFL Mocks and Sir Charles In Charge. Subscribe to his RSS feed, add him on Twitter to follow him daily and you can get the HTD app here).