Kobe Bryant, Avon Barksdale/Omar Little
Respect: Although not the same player he once was, Kobe Bryant is still well respected, much like Avon Barksdale after he’s released from jail. While still respected, it’s obvious that neither could keep up with the younger boys in their league, but unlike Avon, Kobe seems to know when to call it quits.
Final Season: In the words of Omar Little, “Come at the king, you best not miss.” Night in and night out, Kobe Bryant had that same mentality. Both Kobe and Omar were feared, and they earned the right to be, but during their final season, things just weren’t the same. After a shootout, Omar suffered an injury, and was never the same after that. The same can be said about Kobe Bryant after suffering multiple injuries late in his career, combined with good ole father time. It’s sad to see Kobe Bryant retire at the end of this season, but again in the words of Omar Little, “It’s all in the game, yo.”
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