Kyrie Irving has told the Cleveland Cavaliers he wants out. Here are the 5 biggest questions surrounding the most stunning news of the 2017 NBA offseason
In an offseason that brought us as much eyebrow-raising NBA news as any in recent memory, we just got the mac daddy of them all.
Kyrie Irving wants out. This much we know.
We also know he has a list of preferred destinations – San Antonio first, with Miami, Minnesota and New York trailing in some order – which means somewhere between a little and a lot as far as how this plays out.
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, we know that the reason Irving no longer wishes to live his life by the lake is that he wants a team he can call his own.
That, in and of itself, puts him in the company of just about every truly great player who has ever graced an NBA court.
And yet, the idea of someone not wanting to play with LeBron James – not to mention accompanying him to an almost certain fourth consecutive Finals appearance – is more than a bit jarring.
With all of the above in mind, we ask (and attempt to answer) the five biggest questions surrounding the bombshell.