We can’t bring you Game of Thrones back any sooner, but we can gear you up for the 2017-18 NBA season by looking back at the best quotes from the show
The NBA and Game of Thrones. It’s like picking which of your children you love more.
(actually, for those of you with kids, this is probably a bad analogy).
Both are awesome. Both are all-consuming. They both make us spend way too much time deep in thought about something that has no direct impact on our lives.
I, for one, am here to admit my hopeless addiction, and do one better: we’re going on an all out binge!
Without further ado, here is your 2017-18 NBA season broken down by ten classic Game of Thrones quotes…
"“Hate’s as good a thing as any to keep a person going. Better than most.”"
-The voices inside his head to Kevin Durant (not that he’s listening, of course)
The Kevin Durant Twitter Kerfuffle (I refuse to call it a scandal) was perhaps the ultimate 2017 sports story in terms of understanding the mind of the millennial athlete. “NBA star Kevin Durant made up fake Twitter handle to defend self against antagonizing fans.” Read that sentence to 1998.
Remember the Sports Illustrated cover from a few years ago which detailed all the times that Durant has finished 2nd in his life? Of course you don’t – my dad doesn’t even get magazines delivered anymore. Regardless, it existed, and apparently, so still does the sentiment that drove him back then.
Even as he was collecting his hardware on the NBA Finals podium in June, there was no talk that Durant had elevated to the status of the league’s best player. Clearly, this did not sit well with him.
By the end of this season, he’ll have to find a new imaginary chip to dust off.
The real problem is that the Warriors were never seriously challenged in last year’s playoffs, and as a result, the media narrative surrounding his ascension never hit a crescendo.
This year, with multiple Royal Rumble-level playoff series awaiting Golden State before it even gets out of the West, he’ll have ample opportunity to pump up the volume. If he collects another MVP on the road to a second Finals MVP – joining Michael, Magic, Larry, Kareem, Timmy, LeBron and honorary team captain Bill Russell as the only ones to pull off the feat – he’s officially in the discussion for the NBA’s pantheon (h/t Bill Simmons).
His entire career has been building towards this season. The haters – real or perceived – are in for a show.