A quarter of the way into the NBA season, a handful of storylines have dominated the headlines. Here are 5 that haven’t but should be getting our attention
Saying that any NBA storyline is under-the-radar is a fool’s errand. It’s 2017. Twitter is something my eighth-graders make fun of me for using because only old people are on it, but still: someone’s always out there talking about every potential story (and usually a bunch of non-stories, but, well…2017).
That being said, the NBA community is often guilty of losing sight of the forest for the trees. We also fall in love with a new bright, shiny object like a one-year old in a kitchen.
(seriously…what is it about toddlers and spoons? It’s a spoon, kid…just a spoon. Get over it.)
There’s been no shortage of the phenomenon this season. Ooh, look over there, it’s James Harden’s true shooting percentage! And what’s that…it’s Donovan Mitchell since Rudy Gobert went down! And over there, it’s the Pacers winning the Paul George trade!
Meanwhile, there are quite a few big picture things going on that some people might be paying attention to…but they’re not paying nearly enough attention to. Here are my top five.