NBA Power Rankings: Giannis for MVP; Lakers take a tumble without LeBron

NBA Milwaukee Bucks Giannis (Photo by Maddie Meyer/Getty Images)
NBA Milwaukee Bucks Giannis (Photo by Maddie Meyer/Getty Images) /
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Washington Wizards John Wall Bradley Beal (Photo by Rob Carr/Getty Images) /

25. Washington Wizards (14-23)

This is no longer just a rough start for the Washington Wizards. We’re roughly at the midway portion of the season, and the Wizards still haven’t begun to turn it around. It’s time to admit that Washington just might be bad. Really bad.

To make matters worse, it was recently announced that John Wall will undergo season-ending left heel surgery. The next time we’ll see Wall will be when he’s prepping for his $38 million year payday. Yikes.

The Wizards are a mess right now, and have no clear direction. This will likely get a lot worse than it gets better for the franchise. Don’t be surprised if we begin to hear some of this team’s veterans in the rumor mill.