Grade the Trade: New York Knicks land missing piece in wild trade proposal

The New York Knicks will be looking for the missing piece of their championship puzzle this offseason.
New York Knicks v Brooklyn Nets
New York Knicks v Brooklyn Nets / Dustin Satloff/GettyImages
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Grading the trade for the Brooklyn Nets

Grade: A

The Brooklyn Nets clearly don't want to trade Mikal Bridges right now. That could change in the future but they are entering the offseason as buyers and not sellers. However, if something changes at some point over the next few months, this is the exact type of deal that they should be looking for in any trade of Bridges. If they were to make a deal like this, the Nets would be in a perfect position to pour gas on a rebuild. Realistically speaking, a rebuilding of the roster can't be completely off the table heading into the offseason.

If the Nets aren't able to land a star player to play next to Bridges, Brooklyn has to think about trading him. The last thing the Nets need is to be stuck in mediocrity again this upcoming season. Trading Bridges could help this team bottom out and pivot toward a new build. If it comes to that this summer, this trade would be a huge win for the team.

In a sense, the Nets shouldn't be proactive in trading Bridges just yet. But if it does come to that scenario, this is the type of trade that could put Brooklyn on the right track heading into a rebuild. In that line of thinking, this type of return would be ideal.